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Photos by Brian Halonen during and around 1981 recording sessions of: Empty Handed

Brian's commments:
I worked at Pierce Arrow Recorders during the time that album was recorded. That was also the time during which I began a life-long avocation in photography, which means that I have many photos of Michael and Barbara, as well as the Jet band members, taken while it was in production.

The top image is in the main studio, during a recording session; the middle is a crop of a larger picture during a rehearsal in the live room; the final shot is Michael at a desk in the reception area. I'm pretty sure he was working on lyrics. These are the places he spent most of his time during the project, and these things are what he was usually doing. BTW, that cup in the latter two pictures shows up in almost all of my pictures of Michael; I hadn't noticed that before.

Images (click for larger picture):

Attached are some low-res pictures of Barbara. They were all taken during rehearsals in the live room. Judging from her parka, it must've been winter. That room could be quite chilly.

Images (click for larger picture):

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